Byzantine Period
Byzantine Period – Islamic Period
Date unknown
Early Dynastic Period
Early Dynastic Period – Old Kingdom
Early First Intermediate Period
End of the Late Period
End of the Late Period – early Hellenistic Period
End of the Late Period – Early Macedonian Dynasty
First Intermediate Period
Hellenistic period
Hellenistic Period
Hellenistic Period – Roman Period
Hellenistic Period, second century BC
Islamic Period
Late Byzantine Period – Early Islamic Period
Late Hellenistic Period – Early Roman Period
Late Hellenistic Period – Roman Period
Late Period
Late Period
Late Period – Early Hellenistic Period
Late Period – Hellenistic Period
Late Period – Ptolemaic Period
Late Period – Roman Period
Late Roman Period
Late Roman Period – Byzantine Period
Late Roman Period – Early Byzantine Period
Middle Kingdom
Middle Kingdom – New Kingdom
Middle Kingdom – Second Intermediate Period
Modern Age
Modern era
Neolithic Period – Predynastic Period
New Kingdom
New Kingdom – Hellenistic Period
New Kingdom – Late Period
New Kingdom – Late Period
New Kingdom – Third Intermediate Period
Old Kingdom
Predynastic – Protodynastic Period
Predynastic Period
Predynastic Period, late 4th millennium BC
Predynastic Period, Naqada I
Predynastic Period, Naqada IA–IIB
Predynastic Period, Naqada IB–IIB
Predynastic Period, Naqada IC–IIC
Predynastic Period, Naqada IC–IID
Predynastic Period, Naqada II
Predynastic Period, Naqada IIA
Predynastic Period, Naqada IIa–d
Predynastic Period, Naqada IIB–IIC
Predynastic Period, Naqada IIC
Predynastic Period, Naqada IIC–IID
Predynastic Period, Naqada IIc–IIIa
Predynastic Period, Naqada IID2
Predynastic Period, Naqada I–II
Predynastic Period, Naqada I–IIA
Predynastic Period, Naqada I–IIb
Protodynastic Period
Protodynastic Period, Naqada IIIA1
Protodynastic Period, Naqada IIIA2
Protodynastic Period, Naqada IIIB
Protodynastic–Early Dynastic Period
Ptolemaic Period – Roman Period
Ramesside period or Late Period
Roman Period
Roman Period – Byzantine Period
Secondo Periodo Intermedio
Third Intermediate Period
Third Intermediate Period – Hellenistic Period
Third Intermediate Period – Late Period
Unknow date
Early Twelfth Dynasty
Eighteenth – Nineteenth Dynasty
Eighteenth Dynasty
Fifth – Sixth Dynasty
Fifth Dynasty
First – Second Dynasty
First – Second Dynasty
First Dynasty
Fourth – Fifth Dynasty
Fourth Dynasty
Nineteenth – Twentieth Dynasty
Nineteenth – Twenty–first Dynasty
Nineteenth Dynasty
Sixth Dynasty
Third – SIxth Dynasty
Third Dynasty
Thirteenth Dynasty
Thirteenth Dynasty
Thirtieth Dynasty
Twelfth – Thirteenth Dynasty
Twelfth – Thirteenth Dynasty
Twelve Dynasty
Twelve Dynasty
Twentieth – Twenty–First Dynasty
Twentieth Dynasty
Twenty–fifth – Thirty–first Dynasty
Twenty–fifth – Twenty–sixth Dynasty
Twenty–fifth Dynasty
Twenty–first – Twenty–second Dynasty
Twenty–first Dynasty
Twenty–fourth – Twenty–fifth Dynasty
Twenty–second – Twenti–third Dynasty
Twenty–sixth Dynasty
Twentysixth–Twentyseventh Dynasty
XI Dinastia
XI Dinastia
Amarna period
Amehotep II / Tuthmosis IV
Amenhotep II
Amenhotep II – Amenhotep III
Amenhotep II / Tuthmosis IV / Amenhotep III
Amenhotep III
Amenhotep IV / Akhenaten
Khendjer / Marmesha / Sobekhotep II
Mentuhotep II
Nectanebos I
Nectanebos II
Psammetichus I
Ramesses II
Ramesses II / Merenptah
Ramesses III
Ramesses IV
Ramesses IX
Ramesses V
Ramesses VI
Ramesses VII
Ramesses X
Ramesses XI
Sesostris I
Sethy I / Ramesses II
Sety I
Sety II
Siptah / Tawosret
Thutmosis IV – Amenhotep III
Tuthmosis I
Tuthmosis II / Hatshepsut
Tuthmosis III
Tuthmosis IV
Check the red fields