On the upper left, the brother of the high official presents food offerings to his father Hor and his mother Ahmose. On the right, his wife Henutiry, co-dedicator of the stela, makes a libation to Djehutynefer and herself. Below, on either side of an offering-laden table, are the sisters and brothers of Djehutynefer; one of the latter is the steward of the funerary temple of Tuthmosis I (1493-1482 BC). The inscription places the deceased under the protection of the god Amon in the great temple of Karnak in Thebes, underlining that he is entitled to a share of the offerings brought to the god.
Unusually, a smaller stela is carved on the back, the surface around it having been left rough. It contains an invocation to the gods of the netherworld by Djehutynefer and Henutiry, who are depicted in an attitude of prayer underneath the text.