Funerary manuscript with spells from the Book of the Dead and from the Book of the Amduat, made for the priest Djedkhonsuiuefankh

Cat. 1779 TPOP
Plant fiber / Papyurs
125 cm x 25 cm
1076–944 BCE
Third Intermediate Period
Twenty–first Dynasty
Purchase Bernardino Drovetti, 1824
Museum / Floor 1 / Room 08 / Frame
  • Bottigliengo Federico-Amenta, Alessia-Guichard, Hélène, “Digging in the museum: some notes on Amduat papyri in the Museo Egizio of Turin”, in Alessia Amenta, Hélène Guichard (eds), Proceedings of the first Vatican Coffin Conference, 19-22 June 2013, Città del Vaticano 2017, 94, 94 Fig.5.
    Tipo=Atti di congressi SottoTipo= Autore=Bottigliengo Federico-Amenta, Alessia-Guichard, Hélène Titolo=Digging in the museum: some notes on Amduat papyri in the Museo Egizio of Turin Sottotiolo=Alessia Amenta, Hélène Guichard (eds) In=Proceedings of the first Vatican Coffin Conference, 19-22 June 2013 Collana= Opera= Luogo=Città del Vaticano Anno=2017 Menzionato=94 Illustrazione=94 Fig.5
  • Niwinski, Andrzej, Studies on the illustrated Theban funerary papyri of the 11th and 10th centuries B.C. (Orbis Biblicus et Orientalis 86), Freiburg Schweiz 1989, p. 367.
    Tipo=Opere biblioteca SottoTipo=Generale Autore=Niwinski, Andrzej Titolo=Studies on the illustrated Theban funerary papyri of the 11th and 10th centuries B.C. Sottotiolo= In= Collana=Orbis Biblicus et Orientalis Opera=86 Luogo=Freiburg Schweiz Anno=1989 Menzionato=p. 367 Illustrazione=
  • Pozzi, Enrico, “The Amduat Papyri in the Museo Egizio. Tradition and Innovation Between the Twenty-first and Twenty-second Dynasties”, Rivista Museo Egizio 8 (2024), P.87–104, P.87-104.
    Tipo=Articolo di periodico SottoTipo= Autore=Pozzi, Enrico Titolo=The Amduat Papyri in the Museo Egizio. Tradition and Innovation Between the Twenty-first and Twenty-second Dynasties Sottotiolo= In=Rivista Museo Egizio Collana= Opera=8 Luogo= Anno=2024 Menzionato=P.87-104 Illustrazione=P.87-104
Museo Egizio