Mythological papyrus of Nesamun

In this fragment of the Book of the Imy-Duat the eleventh hour is shown. It is entirely devoted to the preparations of the sun at its rising. The snake called “the winder of the world”, which precede the boat, will permit the rejuvenation of the sun. in the lower register, the snake emanates a scorching fire that burns the enemies, which fall with their ba souls and shadows into pits full of fire. The snake and the goddesses armed with knives keep away whoever would threat the sunrise.

Cat. 1780 TPOP
Plant fiber / Papyurs
106 cm x 24 cm
1076–944 BCE
Third Intermediate Period
Twenty–first Dynasty
Purchase Bernardino Drovetti, 1824
Museum / Floor 1 / Room 08 / Frame
  • Bottigliengo Federico-Amenta, Alessia-Guichard, Hélène, “Digging in the museum: some notes on Amduat papyri in the Museo Egizio of Turin”, in Alessia Amenta, Hélène Guichard (eds), Proceedings of the first Vatican Coffin Conference, 19-22 June 2013, Città del Vaticano 2017, 94, 94 Fig.4.
    Tipo=Atti di congressi SottoTipo= Autore=Bottigliengo Federico-Amenta, Alessia-Guichard, Hélène Titolo=Digging in the museum: some notes on Amduat papyri in the Museo Egizio of Turin Sottotiolo=Alessia Amenta, Hélène Guichard (eds) In=Proceedings of the first Vatican Coffin Conference, 19-22 June 2013 Collana= Opera= Luogo=Città del Vaticano Anno=2017 Menzionato=94 Illustrazione=94 Fig.4
  • Niwinski, Andrzej, Studies on the illustrated Theban funerary papyri of the 11th and 10th centuries B.C. (Orbis Biblicus et Orientalis 86), Freiburg Schweiz 1989, pp. 367–368.
    Tipo=Opere biblioteca SottoTipo=Generale Autore=Niwinski, Andrzej Titolo=Studies on the illustrated Theban funerary papyri of the 11th and 10th centuries B.C. Sottotiolo= In= Collana=Orbis Biblicus et Orientalis Opera=86 Luogo=Freiburg Schweiz Anno=1989 Menzionato=pp. 367-368 Illustrazione=
  • Pozzi, Enrico, “The Amduat Papyri in the Museo Egizio. Tradition and Innovation Between the Twenty-first and Twenty-second Dynasties”, Rivista Museo Egizio 8 (2024), P.87–104, P.87-104.
    Tipo=Articolo di periodico SottoTipo= Autore=Pozzi, Enrico Titolo=The Amduat Papyri in the Museo Egizio. Tradition and Innovation Between the Twenty-first and Twenty-second Dynasties Sottotiolo= In=Rivista Museo Egizio Collana= Opera=8 Luogo= Anno=2024 Menzionato=P.87-104 Illustrazione=P.87-104
Museo Egizio