Block statue of the priest Merenptah

Merenptah was a priest of the goddess Bastet and a “Divine Father.” He appears on many stelae in the Serapeum, the cult-place of the Apis-bull in Saqqara. The geometric simplification of the body draws attention to the face, which shows “archaizing” echoes of the late Middle Kingdom style, notably in the shape of the wig, the large ears, and the fleshy face that reveals the underlying bone structure, with no traces of makeup and accentuated features.

Cat. 3063
Stone / Gneiss
20 cm x 40 cm x 27 cm
722–664 BCE
Late Period
Twenty–fifth Dynasty
Purchase Bernardino Drovetti, 1824
Museum / Floor 1 / Room 11 / Baseplate
  • Barta, Winfried, Aufbau und Bedeutung der altägyptischen Opferformel (Ägyptologische Forschungen 24), Gluckstadt 1968, p. 187–188.
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  • Orcurti, Pier Camillo, Catalogo illustrato dei monumenti egizi del R. Museo Egizio di Torino, Torino 1855.
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Museo Egizio