Strip with a procession of armed knights on white horses, colored red, green and black

Restoration of a strip with a procession of armed knights on white horses, colored red, green and black
The intervention was carried out by Cynthia Oliva, who removed the glued and stitched fabric, with folded edges, on a yellow ocher wool textile, probably contemporary with the fragment, but not pertinent. Mechanical cleaning with vacuum was followed by a dry cleaning in deionized water and a mild detergent solution.
The fragment was sewn on linen canvas and assembled on not acid card. The analyzes confirmed the presence of camel wool.

S. 17441
Cloth / linen, wool
65 x 23 cm
600–800 CE
Byzantine Period
Akhmim (?)
Gift by the Museum of Cairo (?), 1888-1903
Sala 13 Vetrina 04
Museo Egizio