The coffin of Harwa (A), son of Nesymendjam, bears a decoration of a type known as “single column”, which was introduced during the 22nd Dynasty on the lids of outer coffins and remained in use on the middle coffins of the 25th and 26th Dynasties. It is characterized by a single column of text containing an offering formula with the name and title of the owner; extending from the collar to the feet, the column divides the entire lower half of the lid in two parts, which are left without decoration. Three goddesses are depicted on the inner box: on the inner walls, the funerary goddesses Isis and Nefti, identifiable by their headdresses, on the floor board the goddess of the sky Nut, dressed in a tunic with shoulder straps. A mummy was found inside the coffin of Harwa (A), along with a few textile fragments.