The eldest member of one of two families documented in the collective burial is a woman, Tadiaset-tahekat, of whom only a lid remains, probably of an inner coffin. The texts on her coffin give us the name of her father, Ankhpairditis, whereas the name of her husband, Padiau, is only known to us thanks to the coffin of her son, Iuefdi, which bears the names of both of his parents. The decoration includes interesting transitional stylistic elements, which the coffins of her children, and then of her grandchildren, already no longer show. The representation of strips of leather crossed over her chest are characteristic of the “stola coffins” of the 22th Dynasty and are thus a stylistic feature of the past. The epigraphic and onomastic data and the execution of a number of iconographic details, similar to those which can be observed in the coffins of her children – for example the depiction of the wesekh collar – nonetheless confirm its date in the 25thor 26th Dynasty.